See? You can't do it either!!
I was up very late last night, then didn't actually sleep much even when I went to bed. Something about knowing it was Dean's last day in the same country as me kept me awake.... I did get to talk to him around 1:30 this morning and then again when he was on the bus to the airport. They were running late so once they got there they had to just get right on the plane. He was hoping to call one more time, but could only send a quick text message before they had them all shut their phones off. Even with all the preparation, and all the anticipation of this moment, it still felt shocking and painful. I've called his phone a few times since, just to hear him on his voicemail message. I can't help it.
I was originally planning on spending the day in my pajamas at home with the baby (boys are at their dads)periodically crying off and on. After a couple of hours I didn't feel any better and had instead acquired an incredibly bad headache. So, change in plans. Hannah and I got dressed and went out. I thought we would just wander around Target and get some lunch, forgetting that the whole rest of the world would be wandering around Target trying to finish their Christmas shopping. We didn't stay long.
Hannah and I went to Panera Bread for lunch. I just have to say, people love Hannah. Everywhere I go they talk to her and tell me shes so "cute" and "tiny" and "precious" and "My goodness she has such dark eyes!", just in case I hadn't noticed these things before I guess. She usually acts shy and hides her head in my shoulder but she smiles because she loves the attention. Today though a couple sat near us and she kept reaching her arms out and shouting at them, and showing them her food. Luckily they were grandparents who thought this behavior was adorable. The grandma was also very impressed to see my baby girl eating a Chicken Pomodoro Panini and Broccoli and Cheese soup. As tiny as she is, that girl can pack food away like nobodies business and she would prefer the real stuff thank you very much. None of this baby-food nonsense for my girl! This very often leaves me with not much to eat since whatever is on my plate is obviously the best food ever and she simply must have it.
I wasn't feeling too hungry anyways.
Now we are home, and she is napping. I would normally call Dean, but that's not an option. So, I guess I will just keep looking at funny pictures of my kids.