Its 9:00 PM on May 30th, and I'm creating my very first blog! So it probably won't be much fun, but I can't wait to see what it looks like.
Today was a weird day...saw some people I didn't expect to see. But thats what I get for going to the mall. So, its kind of thrown me off all day. I just look at all the past crap and go "Why are you people still following me?!?!" I know they aren't really following me exactly, but it can feel that way. Why can't the past stay where it belongs?
Ok, then theres this boy. Man. Not really a boy, hes much too old to be called a boy. Hes a man, but if hes a man why doesn't he call me? He calls me, I call him back, but now there is no return call. Its been two days. I've made up some excuses in my head to make me feel better like "Its a holiday, hes probably out of town" but I don't really believe them. Maybe the real purpose of his call was just to remind me how he made me feel over a year ago when we met, and to remember I should be looking for someone who makes me feel that way. Special and pretty and alive. The general opinon seems to be that he will still call....at this point even if I try not to think about it or get disappointed, I still will. I hate that.
So thats mostly my day's worries. Really the day itself was good, playing and shopping with daniel and the boys, having chocolate cake and not having any homework to do yet.
Thats the end of this blog. I hope it looks cool!